14 hours ago
THIS IS of course old news but it bears repeating: Ricky Gervais, the man behind The Office and Extras, actor, writer, director, producer, comedian, winner of seven BAFTA awards, three Golden Globes, two Emmys, blahblahblah, got his first big break in the Philippines.We are talking, of course, about his 80s band Seona Dancing, whose song More to Lose became a massive hit on these shores.
I guess the burning question on eveyone's lips is, why the hell didn't it become a massive hit worldwide?
It boggles the mind.
With lyrics such as:
A thousand tortured lives have fallen
Wounded dying cut down by the
Questions that we've sharpened
Just to save our losing days
What's not to like?
"Are you going to visit the parish house of the Dead Fly? Well, if they offer you chocolate, which I really doubt they will do, but anyway, if they do, be careful. If he calls the attendant and says, 'Fulanito, make a hot bowl of chocolate, okay?' then don't worry. But if he says 'Fulanito, make a bowl of hot chocolate, all right?' then grab your hat and hightail it out of there."
"What?" the frightened listener would say. "They give you big bowls? My lord!"
"What then?"
"'Hot chocolate, okay' means thick and 'hot chocolate, all right' means watery."
-¿Va usted al convento a visitar al curita Moscamuerta? Si le ofrece chocolate, ¡lo cual dudo! tenga usted cuidado. Si llama al criado y dice: Fulanito, haz una jícara de chocolate ¿eh? entonces no tenga miedo, pero si dice: Fulanito, haz una jícara de chocolate ¡ah! entonces coja usted el sombrero y márchese corriendo.
-¿Por qué? -preguntaba espantado su interlocutor-. ¿Acaso el fraile pega jicarazos?
-¡Hombre, tanto como eso no!
-Chocolate ¿eh? significa espeso, y chocolate ¿ah? aguado.
"Are you going over to the convento to visit the sanctimonious rascal there, the little curate? Yes! Well, if he offers you chocolate which I doubt-but if he offers it remember this: if he calls to the servant and says, 'Juan, make a cup of chocolate, eh!' then stay without fear; but if he calls out, 'Juan, make a cup of chocolate, ah!' then take your hat and leave on a run."
"What!" the startled visitor would ask, "does he poison people? Carambas!"
"No, man, not at all!"
"What then?"
"'Chocolate, eh!' means thick and rich, while 'chocolate, ah!' means watered and thin."