Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Top 10 Venomous Philippine Animals
******* Disclaimer 2*******
This list is by no means complete. There are, for example, various other venomous snakes and cone snails found in the Philippines besides the ones here: this is just to give an idea for what's out there. Since the Philippine archipelago is surrounded by so much water, it is perhaps unsurprising that most of the creatures on this list are marine animals. That being said, the terrestrial animals are nothing to be laughed at, either.
So, in a somewhat subjective sequence, here it is:
10. Philippine Pitviper (Trimeresurus flavomaculatus)
This alluring snake is endemic to the Philippines. It can grow to a length of 60 cm, and subsists on a diet that includes small rodents, frogs, and lizards. Like most other vipers, its venom is mainly hemotoxic in nature. It does not seem to be deadly.
9. Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans)
The distinctive lionfish is a denizen of tropical coral reefs. The striking coloration serves as a warning against would-be predators, as the long dorsal spines are tipped with a potent venom. Envenomation from the lionfish is said to be extremely painful, and can lead to nausea and breathing difficulties, although it is probably not fatal to humans.
More info here here here here.
8. Textile cone snail (Conus textile)
Photo by Richard Ling
As if belying their beautiful appearance, all species of cone snails (genus Conus) are venomous. The larger fish-hunting species, such as the textile cone shown here, are able to deliver a dose that is lethal to humans. Do not pick up live cone snails.
Cone snails are stealth hunters that rely on a powerful mixture of toxins (called conotoxins) to paralyze and kill their prey. Upon getting close to its victim, a cone snail injects venom by means of a long proboscis that ejects poisoned, harpoon-like teeth (called radula).
More info here here here.
7. Geography cone snail (Conus geographus)
Photo by diverosa
Cone snails are truly the champion pharmacologists of the animal kingdom.
The venom contains an extremely rich cocktail of toxins known as conotoxins, which are made up of short peptides that have a remarkable range of diversity and specificity of action. Each snail species produces around 30-200 different types of conotoxin peptides, and taken together the Conus genus is estimated to produce about 50,000 different venom components!
Conotoxins typically disrupt the function of ion channels in the cells, thus leading to serious neuromuscular disturbances. Early symptoms of Conus envenomation usually include numbness, a tingling sensation, and ischemia. More serious effects, such as those caused by a sting from C. geographus, might include nausea, general paralysis, coma, and even death by respiratory or cardiac failure.
More info here here here here here here.
6. Beaked sea snake (Enhydrina schistosa)
Photo by Teresa Zubi
Sea snakes are closely related to cobras, and all are highly venomous. Fortunately for us humans, they are usually shy and non-aggressive. The large beaked sea snake, on the other hand, has been implicated in numerous fatalities. Some studies rank it among the world's most venomous snakes. Divers take care.
More info here here here here.
5. Reef stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa)
Photo by Richard Ling
With the possible exception of #1, I'm probably more afraid of the stonefish than anything else on this list. Where's the fish? I can't see you, dammit it's not fair!
The reef stonefish is the world's most venomous fish. The dorsal spines are loaded with venom that can cause intense pain with possible muscle paralysis, and respiratory and cardiac failure, depending on the depth of the penetration. This level can be fatal to humans if proper medical treatment is not administered within a couple of hours.
More info here here here.
4. Blue-Ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata)
No bigger than a golf ball, the blue-ringed octopus nevertheless packs a powerful punch.
The relatively painless bite from this octopus delivers the deadly tetrodotoxin (10,000x more potent than cyanide), which can cause muscle paralysis and lead to respiratory failure within 90 minutes.
The blue ringed octopus can be found in coral reefs and shallow tide pools. When threatened it displays the characteristic bright blue rings all over its body. It normally feeds on small crustaceans, which it kills with its venom.
Here is a beautiful gallery featuring this incredible creature.
More info here here here here here.
3. Philippine Cobra (Naja philippinensis)
© 2005 Wolfgang Wuster
The Philippine Cobra is an extremely toxic snake. It is said that drop by drop, it has the most potent venom of all cobra species in the world. The venom is a neurotoxin that can cause respiratory paralysis and death in 30 minutes. What's more, the Philippine cobra can "spit" venom up to a distance of three meters.
This cobra species has a stocky build and measures an average of 1.7 m in length. The color is usually a uniform brown. The species is endemic to the Philippines, and can be found on the islands of Luzon, Mindoro, Catanduanes, Masbate, and perhaps other islands as well.
More info here here here here.
2. King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
Photo by David Williams
The King Cobra is crowned as the world's longest venomous snake: fully grown it measures an average of 3.6-4 m in length, although larger individuals are sometimes encountered. It can be found throughout southeast Asia (including the Philippines), as well as in India and China. The King Cobra lives in forests, bamboo thickets, mangrove swamps, or close to human settlements. The name Ophiophagus refers to the fact that its diet consists of other snakes (from the Greek ophis 'snake' + phagus 'to eat').
The bite of the King Cobra is extremely dangerous, with a reported 75% fatality rate. This is due to the huge amounts of venom injected and relatively very long fangs. The venom has a potent neurotoxic effect, and consists of proteins and peptides that attack the central nervous system.
Needless to say if you encounter a King Cobra NEVER EVER try to handle it! I can't believe this guy!!!
More info here here here here here.
1. Box Jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri)
And the most venomous animal on the planet -- the Box Jellyfish. Although most often associated with Australia, these critters do exist in the Philippines (see links).
The venom of the box jellyfish is said to be so potent that one could die from the pain alone. The venom is stored in specialized cells called nematocytes that are found throughout the tentacles, and released on contact. To make it really scary, the tentacles are quite long, not to mention very difficult to see in the water! Survivors are often scarred for life.
Also in the news: Canadian man survives jellyfish sting in the Philippines.
More info here here here here.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ricky Gervais: Discovered in the Philippines
I guess the burning question on eveyone's lips is, why the hell didn't it become a massive hit worldwide?
It boggles the mind.
With lyrics such as:
A thousand tortured lives have fallen
Wounded dying cut down by the
Questions that we've sharpened
Just to save our losing days
What's not to like?
Pseudo intellectual teenage angst has simply never been better expressed in a pop song.
TO OUR generation, More To Lose is every bit as iconic as The Cure's Boys Don't Cry, The Smiths' This Charming Man, or Depeche Mode's Just Can't Get Enough. The 80s were simply the best.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Books: Rizal, Lost in Translation
Noli Me Tangere, I knew we would meet again.
Though we had it in high school and university, I can't really say I have actually read the Noli. I just never really took assigned work seriously back then, as I had, uh, better things to do with my life.
Well, the time had now come.
So I bought a copy of the new Penguin Classics edition, which came out in 2006. As I understand, it's the first English version of Noli to come out of such a major publishing house. This new edition, hailed as a "beautiful new translation" on the back blurb, was translated from the Spanish by Harold Augenbraum, the executive director of the National Book Foundation (wow).
Now, I have to admit that I hardly know any Spanish beyond para bailar La Bamba, and call me crazy, but I think there is something... strange about this translation.
"Are you going to visit the parish house of the Dead Fly? Well, if they offer you chocolate, which I really doubt they will do, but anyway, if they do, be careful. If he calls the attendant and says, 'Fulanito, make a hot bowl of chocolate, okay?' then don't worry. But if he says 'Fulanito, make a bowl of hot chocolate, all right?' then grab your hat and hightail it out of there."
"What?" the frightened listener would say. "They give you big bowls? My lord!"
"What then?"
"'Hot chocolate, okay' means thick and 'hot chocolate, all right' means watery."
-¿Va usted al convento a visitar al curita Moscamuerta? Si le ofrece chocolate, ¡lo cual dudo! tenga usted cuidado. Si llama al criado y dice: Fulanito, haz una jícara de chocolate ¿eh? entonces no tenga miedo, pero si dice: Fulanito, haz una jícara de chocolate ¡ah! entonces coja usted el sombrero y márchese corriendo.
-¿Por qué? -preguntaba espantado su interlocutor-. ¿Acaso el fraile pega jicarazos?
-¡Hombre, tanto como eso no!
-Chocolate ¿eh? significa espeso, y chocolate ¿ah? aguado.
"Are you going over to the convento to visit the sanctimonious rascal there, the little curate? Yes! Well, if he offers you chocolate which I doubt-but if he offers it remember this: if he calls to the servant and says, 'Juan, make a cup of chocolate, eh!' then stay without fear; but if he calls out, 'Juan, make a cup of chocolate, ah!' then take your hat and leave on a run."
"What!" the startled visitor would ask, "does he poison people? Carambas!"
"No, man, not at all!"
"What then?"
"'Chocolate, eh!' means thick and rich, while 'chocolate, ah!' means watered and thin."
The verdict:
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Cool Sounds: Spanish Rocks
A FEW years back I really got into this music.
If I manage to turn on a single person to Rock en Español, I believe I can die a happy man. Besides I think the music meshes very well with the Filipino aesthetic sense. This is true rock spirit combined with plenty of passion, not to mention a social conscience.
So here are two of my favorite bands. Kinda old but still timeless!
You gotta love Los Aterciopelados. Led by high priestess Andrea Echeverri, they are the pride of Colombia.
Aterciopelados - Bolero Falaz
Aterciopelados - Florecita Rockera
Molotov - Gimme the Power
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Leapin Leezards
This photo occupies a special place in my heart.
The picture itself is nothing special. It's just a lizard on an old tree trunk.
What makes it special is that a second after I snapped the photo, this hapless lizard was hit by a flying tsinelas (rubber slipper).
The young boy I was with, whom I almost thought of as my friend, saw what I was looking at and his first reaction was to try to kill it.
I must admit I was totally shocked I was unable to do anything, even get angry.
What bothers me about something like is that it's totally senseless. Why hurt an animal that couldn't possible do you harm? Where's the fun in that?
What's more, this didn't happen in the city. This was on Siargao Island by golly, about as close to paradise on earth as you can get.