Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Leapin Leezards

This photo occupies a special place in my heart.

The picture itself is nothing special. It's just a lizard on an old tree trunk.

What makes it special is that a second after I snapped the photo, this hapless lizard was hit by a flying tsinelas (rubber slipper). 

The young boy I was with, whom I almost thought of as my friend, saw what I was looking at and his first reaction was to try to kill it.

I must admit I was totally shocked I was unable to do anything, even get angry. 

What bothers me about something like is that it's totally senseless. Why hurt an animal that couldn't possible do you harm? Where's the fun in that? 

What's more, this didn't happen in the city. This was on Siargao Island by golly, about as close to paradise on earth as you can get.